Rebar Tag Families Pack

Rebar Tag Families Pack contains three different rebar tag family types that have the same base and two types of Multi-Rebar annotations for section views and for the plan views. You will also get a text file with shared parameters that are used for those tags that you need to insert into your project.

BA _ Rebar Tag

The first family is the BA _ Rebar Tag which has six different types that are used depending on what you need.

BA _ Rebar Tag-Prefix-Suffix

Second family is the BA _ Rebar Tag Prefix-Suffix which also has six different types like the BA _ Rebar Tag. Difference here is that this type of tag has shared parameters for Tag Prefix and Tag Suffix. This parameters is used for some additional informations when we annotate and mark bars such as layer of the bar, type of the bar etc.

It works so that for each bar for which we want to add some additional information, when we select the bar, we enter the text we want.

BA _ Rebar Tag-Variable

Third type of tag family in this pack is used for Varying Rebar Sets and it is also based on BA _ Rebar Tag, but here the difference is that we have beside Rebar Number also Rebar Number Suffix.

Multi Rebar Annotations

Multi Rebar Annotations is used for annotating Bar Sets and they are actually a combination of Rebar Tag Family and Dimension Style created just for this purpose.

Here we have two types of them, one for section views and one for the plan views.

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